This is old news from last spring, but I will report now... This student festival, Queens arts Festival, that I had forgotten I applied to, emailed me within 3 weeks of the event asking , well? will I participate? This was the first I had heard anything, and turns out they had been emailing to the dodgy email on my website instead of the one I had given on the application. I said yes, but since I had been loaded up with other work, I had not edited these pieces of video shoots together into anything cohesive at that moment. So I went into hyperdrive to edit this silent film. But still, there was the question of music soundtrack to go with it. I was taking a studio recording class at the time, and really, the next day, fellow student, Rishab Sharma, brought his sitar into class and demonstrated- so perfect! I asked him right then if he would be interested to play live and be the soundtrack for the film. Serendipitous really. Seriously lucky. I wasn't even done editing until the night before, so Rishab was greatly improvising on sitar, and his father, last minute unexpected special guest, Sanjay Sharma, on tabla. We recorded the event, which has become the official soundtrack to our film we are now submitting to proper festivals.
It was a small audience, our promoters were novice to say it nicely. But who knew, we had a future TimeTV correspondent in the mix, Anika Chowdhury, who was very excited about the film. More on that later!